From time to time, we receive correspondence which is extremely disheartening, especially when we’re all doing the best we can.
We thought it would be interesting for our followers to see some of the unpleasantness we have to deal with – thankfully not too often.
The first is from December 2022 and the second was received just last week and we have included our response to this one here.
Messages like this one are always a huge disappointment to us.
Unfortunately, many of the people who get in touch with us are unaware that we are a tiny charity run entirely by volunteers.
On top of work, family and other commitments life throws at us, many of us give up almost all of our free time to Here4Horses.
We also try to man a telephone 24/7 – something that isn’t achieved by even the biggest equine charities with large numbers of paid staff.
We answer hundreds of calls, emails, messenger messages and texts every month – it’s a huge undertaking and we do the best we can on a shoestring.
In the last two weeks we have been preparing for two large educational events which went ahead at the weekend – where almost 60 people (amateurs and professionals) learned how to spot health issues in horses.
We are sorry that our efforts do not meet your expectations.
The horse in question has been seen by a colleague.
We have simply not had time to respond to all our communications.
The lone situation the horse is in, is far from ideal and he is carrying an excess amount of weight.
However, under the Animal Welfare Act he would not be considered suffering.
We will monitor the horse and may put a calling card at the gate indicating to the owner that their horse has drawn attention from a concerned member of the public.
All good wishes
The H4H Team