You can choose to make either a one-off payment or a regular donation.
We understand that not everyone is in a position to commit to monthly Direct Debit.
It doesn’t matter what or how much you donate to Here4Horses, the contribution you make will help change the lives of poorly, injured, or homeless horses and ponies.
It also means that any surplus we may have, can be invested in our campaigns and educational initiatives aimed at bringing about change for better welfare for horses and ponies everywhere. See the News Pages for some of the current issues on our radar.
Please remember – the Here4Horses team has the expertise and time to undertake this demanding and complex work but only with the aid of your financial contributions.
There are multiple ways that you can donate, these are outlined below.
We promise to make every donation count.

Option 1 : Be a regular Here4Horses donor
Regular donations are vital to a charity like ours – helping us through difficult and busy times, when cash flow can become a problem.
If you are in a position to help with a regular monthly or annual payment and are keen to support us in this way, then please make a donation or contact us for alternative ways to pay.