Who we are

The decade-long horse crisis in the UK saw massive over-breeding of low value animals and a subsequent huge spike in the number of starved, diseased, neglected and abandoned horses and ponies needing urgent help from charities.

This devastating period became the catalyst for bringing a unique, like-minded team together under the Here4Horses banner. These remarkable people had already invested a great deal of time, effort and money to horse and pony welfare – this is part of our culture.

Following more than a year of careful planning and initial fund-raising, we officially registered as a charity in May 2020 and gathered a highly skilled Board of Trustees, capable of successfully leading Here4Horses through future challenges.

Horse welfare is not just about helping emaciated, near death animals, return to health.

The 21st century brings with it many challenges for horses and ponies and we aim to shed light on the numerous forms of abuse that sadly continue to exist.

We believe we need to address these issues head on by educating, providing up-to-date information and ultimately bring about the changes needed to help secure a better life for horses and ponies everywhere.

So, say hello to the team below and if you share our beliefs and feel you want to help us deliver real results, then please donate, or lend your support in whatever way you can.


We are fortunate to have a group of very special individuals, who together have taken Here4Horses from humble beginnings, to become the thriving charity it is today.


This team of professionals are called upon for their expertise and specialist skills, they attend Trustee and Advisory Group meetings, as and when required.

Technical Team

We have a pool of talented associates, able to offer their experience and knowledge, to ensure that we are able to fulfil our charitable aims.

Key Supporters

All are highly competent volunteers, ready and willing to give their time and commitment in support of our cause.

We are very proud of this website and would like to acknowledge the help of key contributors.

Gary, Anton and Sam from the very talented team at Curious12, Shaun Stoker for his superb photography and design and last but by no means least, Jeff Platten for his wonderful cartoons and supporting images.