
2008 | Skewbald | Gypsy Cob | Under 13.2hh

Sponsoring a pony like Murphy means you are making a commitment to helping unwanted ponies in need.

We collaborate regularly with the RSPCA. We feel it is important to make it very clear that the welfare of horses and ponies, here in the North, would be seriously affected without the important intervention of their Inspectors.

Collaboration is the key! Sponsoring Murphy means you recognise the importance of teamwork and partnerships, in helping ponies like him find a bright future.

The story so far...

Drivers along a main road in Northumberland noticed the appearance of two ponies in a remote field adjacent to the highway and called the RSPCA. One young colt, was in an extremely emaciated state, the other an older stallion was lean and covered in lice, with an old untreated leg wound.

All attempts to find an owner failed and given the severely malnourished state of Paddy the colt in particular, they were both taken into care.

Paddy had a very tough time indeed and nearly didn’t make it on more than one occasion. Murphy on the other hand, with appropriate treatments and lots of TLC, almost immediately turned a corner.

Once castrated, he quickly developed into a very lovable, attention seeking character. He was then signed over to Here4Horses, giving him lifelong VIP (Very Important Pony), status.


His new life, surrounded by caring people, who scratch his itchy bum for him.


People who visit without a pocket full of treats.
