Charley Marley
2010 | Piebald | Gypsy Cob | Under 13.2hh
Please sponsor Charley – you know you are helping us make a HUGE difference.
Your monthly donation enables us to step in and help when needed, in potentially hopeless situations such as his.
The story so far...
Charley and his two pals were brought to our attention by a concerned member of the public. The field conditions were very poor indeed with no clean or dry place for the horses to stand or lie down.
Forage had been made available but a Farrier had not visited for a long time and one of the horses was very lame indeed due to neglected feet. Action was clearly needed to prevent further suffering. We made enquiries to identify the owner, who it turned out had developed considerable health issues.
As a result, she had been unable to provide the horses with an adequate level of care, over a long period. Importantly, she recognised she needed help – but the decision to sign them over to us was undoubtedly a very painful and upsetting one to make.
Arrangements were made for all to be collected – two came to us and one to the RSPCA. Charley was fortunately in fairly good condition and following health checks and a settling in period he began work in-hand. In no time at all he was ready to return to ridden work – he just loved the additional attention this brought.
A bright and happy chap, he then caught the eye of one of our supporters who was looking for a pony for her sons. Introductions were made and following successful visits, Charley made a short trip south on our Loanie Pony Scheme.
The boys enjoyed a happy summer together but their interest began to wain and it was eventually decided that Charley should return to us.
We began a further programme of training and Charley enjoyed a long period back with his friends at HQ. Then, in October 2022, we received an application from a lovely lady looking for a new pony partner. Several visits later we felt we had found him his perfect match.
We are very happy to report that he has taken to his new home like a duck to water – or maybe a hippo to mud… as wallowing seems to be a favourite pastime!
Watch this space for more updates.
Poking his nose into places where food might be lurking, rolling in mud and humans who know which itch to scratch.
Cows – even the black and white ones!